by ShIsAnA tHe OnE aNd OnLy Apr 10, 2010
category :
Life, society /
I have "questions" |
Good flow in both word and idea and no I don't know either. |
by Siham
Bravo , great poem . i get every single question but unfortuately i have no answer :( |
by victoria
Very very good point. Loved the concept. Life is nothing more than questions and even if u do end of with an only produces more questions so i completely understand this. great job.=] |
by Snowdrop
Hey there, I like this one. I like the concept of it very much and you expressed yourself well. But to make the poem more serious I think you should maybe use less one question mark and maybe make the writing look nicer in general by separating it into stanzas (paragraphs). I enjoyed it a lot! :) |