Your my everything.
My head is consumed with thoughts of you
Thoughts of us, and what we can be.
I'm sitting here thinking only of you,
where are you
how are you
are you safe?
Your my heart, my love baby,
if i lost you, id be dead.
i wait and i crave the next day i see you
hold u
kiss you
and tell you I'm all yours and tell you
i do.
Ive never felt like this, when we have nothing to talk about
i Babel on, i try to communicate in my gibberish, but as long as i connect to you some how
I'm happy.
Your all i need, all i want
all i crave all i think about,
All i dream.
As I'm writing this,
it doesn't make any sence to me either,
but baby, i just need to tell you
i love you
and one day we will be together
one day i will tell you i do
one day you will find your way back to my arms
right were you belong.
My light at the end of the tunnel
My internal flame
My beating heart
The very blood that beats through my veins
Every breath i take
all consists of my love for you.
Cause without you, all this would fade.
Never burn out baby <3
Id give everything i have, just for you
Id give all i need, just. For you.
Your beauty
Your Personality
Your hugs
Your Kisses
The way you don't care about anyone else
The way you whisper in my ear,
There are moments we have, that could never fade
that can never leave us.
And believe me when i say.
Those moments are nothing compared to the ones we have coming
cause i don't plan on letting go of you
cause letting go of you is like
letting go of life.
Ill say it again and a thousand times over
and it will never lose its meaning.
Iloveyou Maggie-Lyn.
Forever&always baby girl.