
by Jemma   Apr 22, 2010

He who loved most
Was rewarded with salvation and sorrow
His beat brow broke under the strain of tears
That he cried for his actions of whole good

For whole good is perfect good
And no human such as he could bear to be so
Without betraying their own flawed soul
Such deeds can only break a man's weak, human heart

And his was shattered stone
Cast from the cliffs of his conscience
Onto the ruin of a desecrated land

The halo that curled in the air was not his
The prayers were not words on his cracked lips
The merits of his actions could only pass him by
As he trespassed in worlds that took him beyond the reach of time

But his tears were accounted for
And his own prayers not unheard
And though unseen by his flooded eyes
He was watched from unearthly skies

He'd crafted himself a cocoon of pitiable pain
And the eye was dry now for no tears could be shed
For an action, for a man
That had saved the entire world
With one simple kiss

** Not intended to offend. Inspired By Pullmans' latest novel, several gnostic texts and thoughts and ideas I've come across over the years based on Judas being aware of what he was doing, and Christ being aware as well.**


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