My Heart off Glass

by Donna   May 4, 2010

My love is so pure ...My heart is made off glass..
Everyday you see through .. My heart off glass..
Every crack you see .. In my heart off glass..
Still you chip away... At my heart of glass..
With all your nasty words..You crack it somemore.
My heart off glass.

Every day i cover up and hide ,My heart off glass
Yet you still see through .. My heart off glass..
You've broke it so many times .. Its just fell apart

Pieces lost here and there .. Gone for ever more
Now you've broke .. My heart off glass..
Still you come back .. For even more
Off my heart off glass.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    I like your poem, personal touching and strong, it made me feel in a special mood, and made me care
    Ole Carsten

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