There's nothing but dust around here
A swallow hole burns in my soul
Faint, Yes but there in existence
And since the world died
I've died inside too...
Memories of happy times with my friends
Vanished the instant war began
The flying missiles propelled across the sky
And by 9:00 if that was even the time
Everyone I ever cared about had died
The world was empty and there was only me
To fill up it's void...
I was alone by myself
My only company was my thoughts...
My heart became bitter like the frozen winter
How does a man live on for nothing
I'm wandering the empty world
This lost age where we have died out
I was the last of a rare breed in a dying drought
Tell me this is a dream so I can get out of
Tempted to suicide
Like anyone would care if I died
A simple death
Yet, even in this empty world
I find myself drawn to something unexplainable
I suppose that's why I'm ever moving
And why i've survived to this day
Cause I'm hoping for a miracle in this empty age