Without you, I would see the day ahead as just another tragedy,
One that will destroy my heart along with my hopes of finding another love.
I will try but never succeed, for our love never had a boundary.
I thought we were strong; thought we could make it through when push came to shove. .
Without you, I see a heart that is broken,
Left between the dusts of the world’s biggest desert.
I want to hear your voice, even if you talk with words to harshen.
Life with you is glorious, even though you make my head invert.
Without you, I see a dark street, depression, and unhappiness.
Lost futures, with tears in their eyes and stomachs,
Most of all I see my heart growing everyday with grimness.
I’ll miss walking hand in hand, you giving me flowers and smelling the lilacs.
I felt a part missing in the puzzle. You complete me,
At least the desire in my heart.
The heart is treacherous and desperate, how true that must be.
But most of all love is sharper than a two edged sword and pierces every part.