
by Chelsea   Jun 16, 2010

I'm thinking a bit too much
and a bit too long
about everything we had
and how it all went wrong
i made a mistake
that cost me a piece of my heart
i cant get you back
i lost you right from the start
i was clinging to the memories
the thoughts of my past
i couldnt see that you were always there
that we could actually last
now i cant help but miss
having you with me
you helped me see clearly
beyond all that past love had taken from me
i know i cannot fight
i know i cannot beg
but a part of me wishes
that it was possible to go back
take back the promises i broke
remove the knife from your back
wrap you in my arms
and never look back..
but i know that these are wishes
dreams that will never come true
and even though i have moved on
a part of me will always want you..


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