Comments : Outcast

  • 14 years ago

    by MartyrAmanda

    I'm sure this was the one you wanted me to read.
    And its a great piece, but it does, indeed, have the potential to be more,
    Now, I mean no disrespect, this is just a little creative criticism,
    Take out the line 'there togetherness' it'll make it flow better, and change distant to distanced
    And that's it, other than those tiny mishaps, you've put together a great piece,
    But a word of advice from someone who knows, don't distance yourself from people for a long time, it gets really lonely, ..but now I'm starting to sound sappy... and I hate that.. so, good job, keep pushing yourself, try thinking out side of the box and beyond, twist your thoughts a little, don't forget to laugh at yourself when you screw up, annnd yea... i think my job here is done xD 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Koriey Korrupted

    This is beautifully written Cy. Even though I feel comfort in sharing something with you and connecting with you not just through writing but emotions too, it saddens me to feel the hurt in it too. Personally, for me, it's been an honor, and I pray things get better for you cy.

    Always Your Friend

  • 14 years ago

    by Brix Ambray

    Beautifully written...nice choice of words

  • 14 years ago

    by Pink Butterfly

    Nobody is an outcast... Someday you'll find the place where you belong. Such a heartfelt poem. God bless you!!!

    -Pink Butterfly-

  • 14 years ago

    by lovemehateme

    Liked this. This is how I felt when I was on drugs like I was saying in that message. Everytime I did that no one wanted to be around me. I lost close friends over it and did stuff I regret. So I know what you mean when you said reading that girls poem opened your eyes. This one did to. Amazing write. It actually inspired me to write again. But anyways, keep it up.(: 5.5

  • 14 years ago

    by GorqeousDisaster

    I love how you captured the emotions in this.
    I felt them come right threw the computer.
    As i read this, i felt it, ive been threw this, and it was written beautyfully, 5/5 amazing work as always

  • 13 years ago

    by Stephanie Tangedahl

    Very nice. an i dig what you said on your wall page thingy. its true that drugs an alcohol do all that shitty stuff to ppl. ive been through that too, i'm just glad i realized what it does and what a waste of time it is; im sober too. and i'm friggen loving it more than ever.

  • 13 years ago

    by Gracie Danielle

    Oh cy. How I have missed you:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Mollie

    Dude! thats so flippin crazy. i feel just like that right now. like every word. my lil bro adopted parents are trying to make me go to therapy and shit over it. i probably need it but. there went alot of personal info to the hole world. cool. F...k.. it.

  • This is an on-going cycle for me...

  • 11 years ago

    by Sigoney Holder

    This is beautiful and actually makes me sad as I feel exactly the same.

  • 8 years ago

    by 14th


  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Ohhh, I wonder if you are still a loner CY?:-)