I'm pretty scared
And that's all there is
I'm not myself
I'm here to be molded
Molded into what
I think
I want to be
So who am I now?
I am a lonely
How many times have I
Fallen down
And gotten right back up
I almost feel as though
As soon as I try and stand
Someone is going to push me down
My wounds are fresh
But my motives are pure
Right now, I don't want
I simply know
I don't want to make friends
They will cause me nothing but pain
And none of them will be worth it
I simply know
It's only right to
Continue to delude myself
To live the roller coaster
That is life
And buy a t-shirt when I get off
"I survived life, and died"
I don't want to be here
In a family of strangers
I simply know that
A strange roommate
Does not count as a support system
I don't want to sleep
In a bed I can't
Call my own
I simply know I need to
I need to dream and laugh and cry
In a world that isn't this one
So I can come back to this world and remember
There is some sort of hope