I lay awake in these fields on fire
Starring into your reassuring eyes
Our passion burns throughout this entire world
Hand in hand, we can conquer anything.
Every waking soul can see us.
The blind man smiles in approval.
The mocking bird sings our song so happily,
Even the cadged bird can sing along.
Merely two hearts bound by steel.
Stitching up any wound for one another
Distance enters our veins, draining energy and happiness
Yet anticipating the moment we shall meet again.
The night sky is lit up by stars
Perched perfectly along my vision
Somewhere out there, you stare off into those same stars
Dreaming of the day we will drift off together.
Now I recite my words repetitively.
They never grow old or fall to pieces.
Always full of color and noticeable.
Like pastel hearts on the public concrete.
We sin deep, my love.
Society cherishes the idea we are forbidden.
With our strength, and our power.
We can carry our love into each others arms forever.