Friends to the end

by Rj   Jul 5, 2010

I miss you so much
that i always think of lunch
all the time we spend with each other
always watched out for another
i understand you as you understand me
even though i haven't seen you in while

but I've been thinking of you for a while
wondering what your doing how you been
when you will always be my best friend
i know we haven't seen much of each other but thats OK
as long as you know no matter where you go
you will always be my best friend to the end

friendship will last for a long time and i know we will hang out again
our friendship was the best and you was always there
someday i want to see you and hope you didn't change
to much at least
so let us meet again my best friend to the end


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  • 14 years ago

    by Jayc

    Thanks for writing!. i love this poem, because i felt the same when my bestfriend left me. keep up! hope you write more.