Light of Freedom

by Cindy   Jul 13, 2010

Light of Freedom

Waking in a darkened room
to the soft mummer of machines.
Shadows moving across the walls
each time my eyes open.
Squeezing them closed,
no longer wanting to see what awaits.

Pain slams into every nerve,
wanting to scream, biting my tongue.
Warm numbness running through my veins,
floating away into a black nothingness,
not wanting to return.

Bright blinding light,
a familiar hand strokes my head,
full of tenderness.
How I long to stay here.
Please hold me,
scared don't leave me alone.
Make it go away!

I need to hear your heart beat,
my lullaby from the womb.
Take me back to that time,
release me from life's torture.
So tired, how much longer can I go on.
Soon very soon.......
you will be free to fly.

Agony invades my soul, reality.
Kindness and love surrounds me,
easing some of the pain.
A few more fences to mend,
then freedom to soar.

Written by: Cynthia Graver
June 27, 2010


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Latest Comments

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    This is a very emotional write that would leave a lot of unfortunate people nodding in understanding. Well written and all the best,

  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    A very honest look at pain written with great skill

  • 14 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    As I read this I could see a soul stuck within the walls of machine & pain unable to be free from a writhering pain..a soul which yearns for freedom..a touching write..take care.

  • 14 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Hi Cindy it sure has been a while since i have been on, so here is my first comment in a long while. I found your poem to be very emotional (maybe because i have been there myself) and extremely sad. It sounds rather like your own bed at home has been made your prison and not the hospital bed as some have said. I can understand so well the sentiment for release at the end of the poem, and found that i could relate very well to the whole heart wrenching write. Well done and stay strong. Grant

  • 14 years ago

    by Faithless

    Gosh I love how you let the readers experience how is it to be hospitalized from your perspective.

    "I need to hear your heart beat,
    my lullaby from the womb.
    Take me back to that time,
    release me from life's torture.
    So tired, how much longer can I go on.
    Soon very soon.......
    you will be free to fly."

    I really like how you phrase this stanza, I can really feel how the protagonist wants to be free from life's torture.

    Truly you have woven the words nicely together to share this lovely piece.

    Excellent Job