At war for the love that's meant to be mine, watching you watch me, courts should make it a crime.
To love someone so much it physically hurts you. You suffocate when they're not around. But when they are, they take your breath away. It starts to kill you.
It takes everything in your power not to die from happiness. Nor from the sadness that take over when they're not with you for a split second or when you think about what you would do if something were to happen to them.
Live your life with someone thats not meant for you can seem like a lifetime, but live with the one your heart beats for, the one you wake up in the morning for, the one who takes away your sleep just to daydream about and you'll feel the day pass as if they were seconds, years turn months.
I'm at war with time, fighting to keep my love, life, soul, and spirit all in one unbelieveable person for an eternity. Fighting for time to slow down. Living days that seem to flow countlessly by in seconds makes the mind crazy.
At war with time, who will win or lose no one knows. What i do know is no one will surrender tonight. But I won't give in, I know what I want.