Pushing through

by bon   Jul 28, 2010

When life seems all but well
When it seems like it couldn't get any worse
Just like that, the rain pours
As if your life's been cursed.

When happiness seems too far to grasp
And sadness is beneath your midst
Knowing up isn't an option
Cause of all these damn turns and twists.

When looking up is all you can do
And hope to God it turns out okay.
That the hell we live through all the time
Will somehow pass on some faithful day.

But for now, knowing this is the best as it gets
With all the pain that you can't take
Trying to get some ease of tension
Even if it means a bit more pain at stake.

Cause it's always darkest before the next dawn,
It's always the final push that gets you through
All the hard work and pain you endure
To have your life be more anew.

Life isn't all it's cracked up to be
Many hills and curves we must get by
But in order to soar to new heights
We first must learn how to fly.

So with all the pain and heartache received,
All the shattered thoughts and blissed filled glee,
Now it all amounts to something
That all is what it's meant to be.


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