Comments : Empowered

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What an excellent and defiant piece of poetry this is and one I would suggest any girl/woman reads who has been put through the ringer by someone. I particularly love the way you have laid this out too.
    All the very best,

  • 9 years ago


    What a great 'up front' poem this is Lucy! Nothing held back, it's saying what it had to say, telling it how it is, no prisoners taken, hard and cold, but such realism dripping from every word that you have written.
    Two people involved in the same relationship, but both seeing it completely differently, and now one that's coming to an end.
    I found your poem very refreshing, and mirrors exactly what different interpretations are often made, in a breaking relationship.
    Well done Lucy. A great write!