Muslim Mother

by W0rld 0f t3ars   Aug 7, 2010

How do we know what we know?

It all began with a cell and these cells procreate
Physical traits molded creating a physical state
The drop of sperm and egg unify
Creating the DNA by which this child will identify
In it he blows the wind of fate
Organs, muscles and heart all set to regulate
The roots emplanted and he begins to grow
Blood sprouts through out; from head to toe
Pushed out through pain and fear
Rewards for every drop of sweat and shedded tear
Half awake, you hold him near your chest
Giving him to his father so you can have your rest
As your eye lids detach the first person you see is your other half
The only one that when you are melancholy he makes you laugh
He lowered down to your face and he kissed you so sweet
He said, "Honey, I think theres someone you would like to meet."

You grasped your breath and smiled so wide
Prosperous to have those you love by your side
What more can Allah give you than this bundle of joy
Both content that he is a healthy baby boy
Your husband called the athan in his ear
Imagine that being the first thing you hear?
You took him home and layed him in his crib
You wrapped him tight and secured his bib
Raising your hands and thanking him up high
As rain falls from the merciful sky
Knowing that only on him you rely
Every drop of breast milk you feed
Increases your good deeds
Allah knows of every discomfort you feel
And by time you will come to heal

Years creep by; your face wrinkled and bones brittle
A man stands before you dressed in white with a full black beard
As your time approaches you feel secure that you have raised-
A man of deen and washed away all that you once feared

This man is a walking quraan
His smile is as white as snow
Knowing that you have taught him everything
Well, at least everything you know.

Your eternal rest has come at last
Time has run by too fast
Your son prays at your Janaza site
From your coffin beholds a gleaming light
You have raised a man of his word
You have succeeded maintaining your herd
Allah has given you the best gift of all
All big things start out small...

By: Jehan Eltalbwa

Dedicated to all mothers and future mothers


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  • 13 years ago

    by W0rld 0f t3ars

    Thanks both of you so much, Wa Feeki Barak Sr. Ruqayyah :) Without out mothers, there would be no sheikhs, scholars, teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. we are the start to being subhanallah

  • 13 years ago

    by Ruqayyah TG

    As a young writer this write really did encourage me, Thats gifted talent, I felt my heart cry, and I really appreciate your poem describing life, the life of my mother and maybe wat I will grow up 2 be, all I could say is...MashaAllah, barakAllahufeeki !!!

  • 13 years ago

    by TotaMariee

    Mashallah, this brought tears to my eyes :')