Comments : Muslim Mother

  • 13 years ago

    by TotaMariee

    Mashallah, this brought tears to my eyes :')

  • 13 years ago

    by Ruqayyah TG

    As a young writer this write really did encourage me, Thats gifted talent, I felt my heart cry, and I really appreciate your poem describing life, the life of my mother and maybe wat I will grow up 2 be, all I could say is...MashaAllah, barakAllahufeeki !!!

  • 13 years ago

    by W0rld 0f t3ars

    Thanks both of you so much, Wa Feeki Barak Sr. Ruqayyah :) Without out mothers, there would be no sheikhs, scholars, teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. we are the start to being subhanallah