Comments : Losing Daddy

  • 14 years ago

    by chind

    This was such a lovely yet sad piece. The emotions portrayed were strong. I Really liked this apart from a few places where i thought the flow was kind of out, but that didnt stop me from enjoying the piece fully!

    Four tears, I counted, that strolled down my face
    Arguments turn into memories that I can't erase
    I feel tormented by the devil; I know it's not you
    He's in your head speaking, telling you what to do
    - your opening stanza was ah-mazing! it really set the scene and painted this picture in my head! Lurvley :D

  • 14 years ago

    by Angie

    Sometimes putting distance between yourself and the situation is the best thing to do, its hard and it hurts, but it may help to open his eyes and see what he's doing to you, to himself and others around him.

    This was truly a sad yet beautiful heartfelt write. You've painted an amazing picture with your emotions and words.

    Big Hugs and Lotsa Love to ya my Chelz Belz!

  • 14 years ago

    by jescelle

    Aww yes, I know exactly how you feel. This poem touched me deeply. My father was an alcoholic growing up as well, and you've portrayed how lonely it is for everyone once an addiction takes precedence over everyone else. I can tell this came straight from your heart; even the choppiness in some lines that would normally be a bit distracting fit perfectly for the emotions here. It's a roller coaster living like that, so it fits.

    The only line I might take another look at:
    "You're too busy, my heads dizzy, and your whole lifestyle seems fishy"... It somewhat blocked your message, although I'm not sure how to explain it. Maybe try "Your too busy, my heads dizzy, and our whole lifestyle is in a tizzy"?... Just one suggestion of many, I'm sure you'll find one you like :)
    Great job, awesome poem over all :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    This is very said..let me flip daddy to mummy and then I will be in ur shoes..since dad is dead anyway,.
    I realy can relate to this one..a very sad writing..u wrote down each word with so much pain...its not even hidden between the lines..u have reflected the bitterness ur feeling..and how you want this to change is as well obvious.

    you chose the perfect words in order to reveal ur emotions.
    another well written piece.
    keep it up

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Sad* sorry

  • 13 years ago

    by AngelDust

    A sad and diffiuclt situation and a horrible one to be in. I've been there. Not with my father, but another family member. I'll keep you in my prayers. This piece, however, was amazing although sad. It flowed beautifully and you used your words carefully. You painted a very vivid picture.. well done.
