Its funny the things I almost forgot.
I imagine your trembling lips before me,
still processing what it is
you've been dying to say, but you don't.
They say ignorance is bliss, and you'd think by the trillionth time, I might learn that,
but that would require common sense,
so note to self, pick some up from the corner store. Untill I do
Ill have to live on with my burning curiousity,
Will the flame ever die out?
Its what I wish for now,
but I don't think ive witnessed anything
Sadder than a fading fire,
and we try so hard to keep it alive, without even realizing were resparking a flame with wet sticks,
Such a desperate attempt to hold on to it.
We wish we could go back,
back to the times when I never questioned your faith, but know that ill never forget our late night photo shoots, her fancy for coca cola and oreos,
his good morning texts and tarzan hair,
or even the familiarity of sneaking into that window, and the smell of our breath after a kiss.
But of course i wont deny the existence of the green monsters finger tips making its way up my back, anxiety growing with each itching moment that passes.
No time for trembling,
No quivering inside.
While the clock keeps ticking, and the tocks all laugh,
At the fact that I've held onto these for toolong.
Maybe I should listen to them And ill just leave them there, like i always do, like the things in the back of my head, like the things you hate, like the habits i encourage, that push you away. But this habit is cracking like the voice that brings me back.
Funny the things I remembered,
Were the things I almost forgot.