Some people live in fear,
I indulge in it.
Some people burn and turn,
I say you get what you get.
Some people say life ain't fair,
I say true happiness is rare.
Some peoples believe in fate,
I say live life at your own rate.
Some people give to get,
I say you can't always double your bet.
Some people will never understand,
I say give those a helping hand.
Some people depend on society,
I say try living in poverty.
Some people hold Their heads high,
I say give a doubt full moment a try.
Some people step outta bound,
I say keep safe, stand your ground.
Some people feel they deserve the best,
I say what makes you better then the rest.
Some people may never know how to live,
I say take a day and give.
XoXoXo MaGgOo XoXoXoXo
Take a day to yourself
Take a day to recognize
Life, You gotta earn it,
You say you can't,
I say too bad, you gotta earn it.