Why does everything have to change?
I feel the surge of present and past about to collide
With future trying to get a word in
I wanna be their little girl
Do as I am told, relax into the fold
But something fights inside
I wanna use the age old expression of
Spreading my wings to fly
There is a world I feel the need to see
Just to simply test my new found freedom
But I love them you see
I want them happy with laughter and smiles
My mom is tired and worn
I can see her nerves are thin
The best I can say is everything will be okay
I'll do nothing but my best for you
My dad gave me a your my baby grin
Hugs me a little tighter as the day closes in
I can see he's afraid,
afraid to get a call that one day I won't be okay
That maybe he didn't prepare me in time
I see them with all the love in my heart
Nothing will freeze this moment and keep me here
Time will tick on faster and faster than ever before
But it will be okay I'll come home one day
I'll show them I used everything I was taught
Show them a few tricks of my own
Because I'm not a baby girl anymore
I'm full grown with fear, worry and doubt
showing my insides on the out