We been good friends, through thick and thin
you've stood by me and i by you
now we've come to a cross roads in this life
you've always found your way back to a cell
and i always writing, waiting for the day your free
we can do it we always have, but now there a wall
in our way, fate saw it fit to give you a disease
i do not know why but it kills me inside
for you are my friend and my brother..
i still don't know what to say but as i always
say keep your head held high and your heart strong
as we get off the phone..
you go back to your cell and i to the world.
i hope you make it through your year
come home and stay home for i fear
i will never see you again, but if you go before your year ends tell mom i say hi i will cry but i will not break..i will see you again just in time
so keep your head held high and your heart strong i will see you soon someday
(Kadin i love you Bro and i Miss you...I wish there was more i could do)