My Past Love

by Katie Angeleri   Sep 4, 2010

The stars shine above me
The summer wind breezes by
I walk along on the sidewalk
With the music blasting in my ears

How did I screw up so badly?
Expressing my love for you
Running away before you can respond
Why am i such a fool?

I sense a sudden change in the atmosphere
A hand touches my shoulder
My heart freezes
As I turn around to see you

You put your hands on my waist
Slowly and gently bringing me closer to you
The smell of rain and peppermint fills me up
I was completely mesmerized

My lips quiver as I start to apologize
But you silence my lips with a simple kiss
You look deeply into my hazel eyes
And flash that smile that always catches my breath

"Every night I fall asleep to you and wake up every morning thinking about you..."
Then your heart pours out for me
Crystal tears form in your eyes as you reach deeper
Out of the 4 months we've dated, I've never seen you shed a tear

As your heart stops talking you hold me
Lovers in each others brace
I've never felt so much love before
It brings tears of happiness to my eyes

But all good things come to an end
We are both with different people now
But thank you
For being my first real love


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  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I wonder why no one ever commented this... r pieces are all deep, am sure u can better the fl;ow..but that doesnt matter u have some amazing expressions over here
    and so much of what we tend to call feelings

    5/5 !well done