Respect this Woman

by Jack Nightengale   Sep 14, 2010

You've helped me in a way I can't explain,
You've opened my eyes to see what's true.
As a woman you've been put through a lot of pain,
As a friend you helped me to believe that the sky is really blue.

As a woman you've touched my heart,
As a poet you've touched my soul.
You helped me to realize that my poetry and I can never be apart,
you also helped me realize that my poetry and I work as a whole.

Your poetry is like the ocean, clear and deep,
Your words are like the Sun, warm and as comforting as they can.
My poetry may seem to be the opposite but, the words remain steep,
If you can't tell, I've come to respet this woman!


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  • 14 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awww such a beautiful and sweet poem! Whoever you wrote this to is very lucky... It's lovely how we all can connect to our own poetry as well as others. It's such a nice feeling. I really enjoyed your poem :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Lori

    You know what sucks? That I can never find a guy who has this kind of perspective. Women are meant to be respected. This is a beautiful piece and I know that many girls on here will really appreciate to see something like this.

    The form was a little sloppy but very good choice of wording. Beatifully written. I am happy to see that there are still men out there like you!

  • 14 years ago

    by The Queen

    A very cute and sweet dedication for someone! So sweet of you to have dedicated such piece to a friend. RESPECT!

  • OMG kris its AWESOME i swear!
    The way u expressed ur feelings madd me die 2 meet such a woman seriously!
    Love the flow, the feelngs,the love and passion expressed<3
    Keep it up

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