Turn Off The Sun

by Sunshine   Sep 15, 2010

Turn off the sun; my life still will shine from deep within
Dress me in black watch me glowing like I have never been
From darkness I was born, yet rebelled in a morning skin
Demolish me in dimness, but even then I can potentially win

Beat me not, for darkness is my shield that cannot betray
What would a dying sun do, when I'm united to what's gray
A night spirited woman thrives through me whenever I pray
Embedded in my soul, with agony I live to fight another day

Luminance frightens the secrets I suppress
my misery fears the revelation of its hidden duskiness
for I mourn, I revive within my own mystery - nonetheless
I subsist the pain of the lonesome that I repress

Turn off the sun, watch how light will beam from my heart
for darkness is a part of me, from darkness I am a part
Like stars endlessly glow, yet can only be glimpsed at night
I too can shine through dimness, if not convert it into light.

By: Rania Moallem


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Latest Comments

  • 4 years ago

    by Shokry Al Qubati

    So inspiring and strong! ????

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    This is truly an inspiration for me right now. Really love how you can believe in yourself and be so strong as well. I will be reading this whenever am down. Favorited.

  • 13 years ago

    by aanika R I P

    The beauty this is how u've presented the darkness in so positive manner..... & guess what u succeeded .....its a beautiful piece.... :) very inspiring :)

  • 14 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    Very well put together. I like the comparison to the stars, very creative. I enjoyed reading this. Keep up the good work and good luck with the contest. 5/5


  • 14 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    Sorry about the despising thing, but....
    not much about your presentations or profile, including name, shows that to be so...
    So...I'm 'guessing' you took on this angle on the subject as a challenge?
    absolutely successfully I say...

    Thank you for your very kind words re 'mid-September'...

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