Girl in the Mirror

by Caz   Jun 18, 2004

All alone a girl sits
Her life around her, in tiny bits
The rain pours down from up above
This girl sits silently, feeling unloved
She wished she could die
Her life was just a lie

Her soul torn in pieces
The will to die increases
She cries herself to sleep very night
She shivers and trembles with fright
In public she smiles but can not feel
The scars of suffering never seem to heal

I stare down at this girl and wonder why she cries
I wipe a tear from my eye and slowly sigh
I tell her to have hope
But she doesn't listen, knowing she can't cope
She hates what she has become
Someone who's life is nothing but a slum

So long ago
I remember this girl, whose sparkling eyes would always glow
Before her merry laughter, faded away
Once so happy, in every single way
Now her face is streaked with dirt
Her “friends” leave her alone and hurt

Now she is a shadow
Her spirit so low
Choosing to hide herself
Away from the world on a high shelf
Now she reaches for a knife
To end her “perfect” life

As I stare into the mirror
And see her life end drawing nearer
As I look at her reflection
And realise the connection
Only then do I see
That this girl is me

~*~Please vote and comment. It means a lot~*~

©Caz 2004


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  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    hey caz, brilliant job on this one.
    I loved it. you write poems wonderfully.
    Your profile was good too. you seem
    a very nice girl.
    wish you the best of the best,

  • 20 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    Bitterly sad, very strong though. I loved it, and am in awe that a girl of your age has such immense talent.. .well done, you've got me impressed!