Whiter Shade of Pale

by Keleena   Sep 21, 2010

W-inter comes and steals the soul,
H-ollowed out now, where once was whole,
I-ntake the air's stale breath,
T-ime will hold you until death,
E-lude life to disappear,
R-uined insides shed a tear.

S-hallow corpse, drained from within,
H-ell eats out the heart, dripped in sin,
A-shen cloak covers the skin,
D-aylight ceased to penetrate in,
E-mpty void consumes therein.

O-utward world fades away,
F-orced out by white of day,

P-ale light illuminates the heaven's sky,
A- faint hope emerges, now breath may die,
L-ast exhale extinguishes the soul,
E-ternal brokenness, leaves in whole.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Soft Parade

    Very very deep, and you made a form and crafted it wonderfully.

    I like unique poems like this.

    keep up the great writing.