Bloody Flowers

by Corpseful   Sep 23, 2010

I cant shy away from my problems any longer
I become weaker in every attempt to grow stronger
Blemishes on my once blank slate
Regretting the months I sank into hate
Waiting as the day fades
I wear a pair of gray shades
I proceed to sway blades
Protection from what the dark enslaves
The heart wants what the heart craves

I still feel powerless
Overwhelmed by cowardice
Flowers in fist
Blood showers my wrist
I scour the mist
That devours the bliss
Hours of this

I locate the grave left
It helps me stave death
I stand alone and breathe a brave breath
Placing bloody flowers upon you tombstone
You had to inhale that fume alone
Unable to live in that gloomy home
Wishing we could have gone together
And lived with one another beyond forever


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  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem is so well written, the darkness almost moved me to tears while it touched my very soul with mortal and immortal imagery in an unforced rhyme scheme

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