
by East Poetry   Oct 1, 2010

Just beyond the farthest light,
beyond all space and time,
God watches with a pleasured smile,
the fireworks are sublime.

Fore when you die, a star explodes,
and you're the reason why.
Not because you're done in life,
but because your light inside.

And the particles that make your star,
are shot into the night.
Escaping from the outward burst,
that is your perfect light.

So far away your light expands,
at speeds as infinite as all.
Perhaps one day to reach the place
that God has chose to call.

To pass it by, to paint its sky
But never to destroy.
For Earth is where our bodies live,
to experience our joy.

And depending on how fast your light,
Or the time your life transcends.
Determines who will acutally see,
the light your constellations lends.

Your matter is unique!
Just as the matter of your thought.
And there's enough room out there
for everyone's to trot.

The question is... are you a light
or are you dark inside?
Perhaps it has to do with
how you spend your life.

So shine my friend, shine my friend.
Be a domino of love.
Let your actions and your thoughts,
Make you noticed up above.


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  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    I like it randy it is good thanks for your gift form christopher

  • 13 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Perfectly written flowing poem and subtle rhymes..that tell an awesome story. Your beautiful thoughts turned poetry make this one stand out..not sure but this should be in your featured poetry. Yes its that good :) Very nice write Randy.

  • 14 years ago

    by Lemma

    I agree with Britt, the rhyming in this doesn't feel forced at all.

    I also love the idea behind it, it really spoke to me having lost so many people in the past year or so as it's not dark and depressing but really inspirational (perhaps you'd want to recategorise it?).

    "To pass it by, to paint its sky
    But never to destroy."

    My favourite lines for sure. Great work, please keep them coming! xx