The Queen's Fairytale

by xX the left behind Xx   Oct 7, 2010

Oh joy, for with the heart he's returned,
the heart of the beast that must be burned.
It sucked the blood out of my king,
and as it dies, out loud I'll sing.

Tell me, mirror, that I've done good,
that I've rid my kingdom of her.
"Alas my queen, for you've been fooled"
cried the mirror, "the huntsman erred."

The task must therefore be done by I,
for then of her death I will be sure.
As she eats of this fruit, darkness will cry,
for poison will consume hope of cure.

I'll wear this cloak and travel this way,
to where seven little men reside
And these apples I shall then display
to the girl left alone inside.

She took one bite and now here she lies,
pale skin, red lips, dark hair and all.
Empty are those glassy eyes.
I've brought about her downfall.

After that, all was well for quite some time,
until that fateful day,
when through the forest a prince in his prime
was traveling on his way.

He discovered her in the coffin of gold
the dwarfs had built for her.
He touched her face, so white and cold,
and after one kiss, she slowly stirred.

They were wed and I was invited,
and at first I did not know.
I was horrified indeed,
when I saw her unholy glow.

I was ordered to be killed,
and I knew I'd lost the fight.
With despair I was filled,
for no-one will know I was right.

She cast a spell over everyone there,
for her heart is as black as night.
She may look true and fair,
but evil's disguised as Snow White.

-A poem I made based on the story of Snow White from the point of view of the stepmother/queen, with a few tweaks. :)


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  • 14 years ago

    by Jaymi Lynn

    Your poem is wickedly delightful