Your expressions to me are, of complete adoration,
Your love for me as fixed, as an age old constellation,
You console me, in my desperate, inner moment,
Justify my mistakes, to end my inner torment,
Your assurances are ever present and really quite prolific,
Your instructions crystal clear and evidently so specific,
You care for me with a passion, unable to be compared,
This sacred bond between us, is never to be shared,
You show me people's potential, including their disgrace,
Sometimes you speak too quickly, I have trouble keeping pace,
Your wariness is voiced with an equal amount of derision,
Your communications are words, sometimes signs and sometimes vision,
Your instructions, leave nothing, to the imagination,
You are my teacher, my muse, my undying inspiration,
You are the true writer; I can only aspire to be,
The one who deserves credit, instead of just plain me,
Your words flow like velvet, they light up the very page,
Your ability to enlighten, greets the reader at every stage,
Your mind free of impurities, untainted by humanity,
I laugh at your selective use, of colourful profanity,
You think outside the square, in all you choose to achieve,
You show me incredible thoughts, alone I would not conceive,
Your foresight is divine; I have not the slightest suspicion,
I wonder, how to give you, your deserved recognition,
Your silence breaks my heart; I refuse to be left alone,
For all my sins and selfishness I swear I will atone,
You're with me every second in every single way,
Without you beside me I simply cannot face the day,
You are with me when I wake; you're present while I sleep,
You are my eternal secret, from everyone I keep,
So real is your existence I can reach out and touch you,
But the cold feel of the glass and my reflections the only view,
Living this experience each second, minute and hour,
I am playing by the rules of my perceived higher power,
Are all these enigmas, I experience, just mere coincidence?
Or is this? That which is defined, as pure providence....
To love oneself is vital and the world would be a far superior place if more people loved themselves first....