Comments : The promise of a new year

  • 14 years ago

    by abracadabra

    Your writing just keeps on improving and I like it. I like 'sings of January morning'. Not sure about 'capsule'. I like the repetition. Not sure about ending it there in parenthesis, though it does have something. Simple and sly and really very nice.

  • 14 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I liked the length of your poem, it definitely makes the reader ponder after reading, because you kind of leave it open for thought. My questions have already been taken, so I will not repeat them. You've got quite the imagination.

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    Much imagery with creativity flowed in this poem and put a unique twist to your poem. This was a great poem which cut straight to the point and gave the reader and great visual of the entire setting in which you painted this piece. The only thing I didn't like about this poem was the fact that it was so short. I would have really liked it if this had been longer as it would have added to the beautiful imagery you have already penned in this piece. Anyway this was a truly amazing poem. Great job and keep writing.

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    The poem is fresh Jane. Poetic, inspiring and enjoyable. I love the atmosphere u made up by the words choice .

    for one moment..I had a very strong relation between the colors u chose and this line "grapes and mints"...purple mint..then how just refreshing that image is..and the smell that got revived through my sense while I read.

    More someone so natural and pure..with all this beauty , regarding the word choice.. and more like someone wise..due to the sun found in her..which made me think about nothing but light that reflects wisdom.

    I am no sure, how far I went..but this was thoughtful..
