Comments : Don't leave me.

  • 14 years ago

    by C0tt0nxCand3h

    This is really good. I know exactly how you felt, it breaks your heart when the person you love wants to give up, when all you wanted for them was to be happy.

  • 14 years ago

    by brokenhearted teenage girl

    Thank you!
    I know, it's hard, very hard.
    but I'm very thankful he didn't do anything stupid.

    I love the powerful message within this poem. Well expressed emotion. Beauty and sadness all wrapped into one piece. (:

    Just a few things...

    'secconds' -- second
    'finially -- finally
    'loosing' -- losing
    'besstest' -- bestest

    I know similarly how it feels for someone close to you to want to commit suicide... my mum attempted it twice earlier this year and a friend (not a close one, but...) commited it last year. It's not a good to be the one left behind or left to clean up the mess. You did a really great thing in helping your friend, and I'm sure she will never forget it.

  • 14 years ago

    by brokenhearted teenage girl

    Thank you so much ! :)
    I know, I have alot of spelling mistakes.
    But sometimes, I put extra letters, it's a habit.

    awe, im so sorry ! :(
    Hopefully your mum gets help, and doesn't do anything stupid.
    & i'm sorry for your loss. :(

    & thank you again !!