When She's Round

by Corpseful   Oct 27, 2010

When she's around my mouth fills with cotton
As fast as she arrives she is gone and i am forgotten
The boy who doesn't know when to shut up
Runs in to the worst luck
When she's in my presence
The room fills with suspense
Can't say a word
Trying to utter anything
I mutter everything
I only know how pretty she is though glances
My eyes hit the floor during so many chances
I think clearly
Unless she is near me
I speak so softly she can hardly hear me
Once she has left
I let go of my breath
Fading away silently
As my heart breaks violently


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by Corpseful

    Helpful comment from an experienced writer

  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    "I only know how pretty she is though glance"s
    this could be a possible typo if it is just not over my head

    I found mysef thinking of my shyness

    I only know how pretty she is through glances
    I got to give it 5/5 not to mention I can really relatde

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