So Much Pain

by TheVampire   Nov 24, 2010

Him, "Ugh, Im in so much pain."
me, "Me too... what's wrong?"
him, "My stomach is killing me again, but i'll be okay."
me, "Good." *smiles*
~slight pause~
him, "why are you?"
me, *looks away*, "Dont worry about it..."
~bell rings~
me, "Ill see you later."

-just a conversation i had with my boyfriend at school one day. He just doesnt really know how much pain i go through.


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  • 14 years ago

    by TheVampire

    It's not like much dialouge and stuff but i had the conversation stuck in my head. thanks

  • 14 years ago

    by Lost Dreamer

    Awww :( this one is soo sad and cute :) i love it.