Comments : Sunset at Ennerdale

  • 13 years ago

    by retha

    A leave drops but only once, no repetition within the action none so then in every sunset there is a new canvas for everyday .Like the finality of a living creature's dying day.

  • 13 years ago

    by ChrisT

    Honestly this was very hard to read. The flow was choppy and your punctuations were misplaced. If youre not sure how to punctuate poetry I find it best to just not do it and let people choose themselves where to pause and and how long. the imagiry didnt really flow. To me it didn't have very good structure, it was kind of chaotic. Just didn't catch my attention at all. That is jus tmy opinion, however, I am no professor or a teacher. Just another student of poetry as you are.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Hi TJ
    I don't know Ennerdale, but would love to go there.
    You are a master of details and colorful as well, great job


  • 13 years ago

    by My Other Side

    I love to read poems writen in this many. Using these word choices has always been too difficult for me but I do admire those who can, and you have done the metaphors very well here.

  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    I only had to read this once and i fell in love with it's imagery congrats you nailed in one. i have never been to arizona and the desert although your don't mention the word desert i get this image of a wildernes through the snake now i feel that i know more about this wonderful place that portrayed or painted brilliantly through your gift for words.

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    You're very good at making vivid imagery, and you've painted a very beautiful scene.