If I met her

by Chelsey   Nov 30, 2010

I've analyzed the situation
Over a hundred times in my head
I've fallen for your tricky speeches
I believed every word you said

I gave more than I received
I was drunk on love alone
Given the boot, the break up speech
Broken hearted on my own

I wonder what girl is next
Who can handle your different moods?
She better have her heart prepared
To be torn, beaten, and bruised

If I met her I'd sit her down
Tell her it'll all seem so real
The beginning is never how it ends
What she sees later will change how she feels

There will be times she won't want to move
When you're holding her in her sleep
But I'll be sure to tell her
You also make promises you can't keep

A day when her lips touch yours
Will be a moment she wants to touch them again
But I'll be damned if I don't tell her
There will be hurtful words that fly from them

Those hands so soft and warm
She'll want to hold onto forever
But they'll eventually push her aside
Of that, I'll be sure to tell her

Oh if I met her
I'd be sure to give her a warning
Of the times she'll love you at night
But she'll hate you by the morning


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  • 14 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    I love the melancholy in this piece,the way you feel so sorry for her...the rhyming was amazing,and flow was nice...keep it up.. :) your poems are great because everyone can relate.. Oh my my,I think I made a rhyme :)