Thankful for conviction

by Chelsey   Nov 30, 2010

It's cold, it's dark, bottles all around
Confused, dizzy, are my feet hitting the ground?
I hear laughter, music, an atmosphere of fun
Deep inside I hear voices of the father and his son

"What're you doing my child? You're breaking my heart
You've made vows and promises these sins would never start"
Turn up the music, get out of my head
I know i belong at home, but I want to party instead

"You're hurting my daughter, let me comfort your cries"
I ignore his open arms, and fall into the ones of guys
Illuminating over me, it radiates my skin
Not lotion, not the sun, I'm talking about sin

"Come back to me my child, this isn't the way to live
There's nothing these people can give that I cannot give"
I need a shot, wheres the vodka? I can't stand this voice
"It is I, your maker. It's time to make a choice"

But I can't, I'm stuck, between a rock and holy place
How can I return to Him full of disobedience and disgrace?
I'm dishonest, disgusting, and delusional it seems
Is this really His voice talking to me?

I quit, He wins, deep down I know he's right
I don't know why I did it, why did I even fight?
I hate feeling guilty, but I know I was wrong
I knew who that voice was all along

Now I'm back on track, trying to live right every day
It's tempting but I try hard not to falter or sway
I'm happy my life is not filled with sinful afflictions
Truthfully speaking, I'm thankful for conviction


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  • 11 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I think this poem is very well done, you've made some wonderful points and your voice is heard well. I like the speed of the poem as well as the descriptions, very vivid. Great write.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Hahahah this poem gives me images..of a dad sitting at home with his head in his hands... Thinking..and then scenes of a wild teenager partying like crazy... Well done :) its exactly what happens when you're young...and then,the turning point is expressed so well in this poem! Bravo!