Comments : Point of no return

  • 14 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    You're poems all refllect sadness, or lost love. Do you think that is all in life?

  • 13 years ago

    by ChrisT

    Just because that is all she writes doesnt mean that is all she sees. Some people use poetry and writing as a vent. To say things they need to get off their chest.

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Scribbler

    The majority of my work reflects sadness. It's easier to express in the form of poetry for me. So you can't judge her like that.

    And Paige, this piece is wunderful. I liked it a lot. A good expression of your heart and feelings. It's sad though which makes me feel for you. I know what it's like. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading. =)