by hasan ali   Dec 3, 2010

With life so hard,
But still going,
Those minor problems,
But had solution and hope,
They had just learned how to live,
How to love?
And what's hope?
And that day they carried on,
With every thing thought to be same,
And those miserable lives but with smile,
Carried on with there faith,
But the nature the nature,
Had different plans for their souls,
And with in few grievous seconds,
That land of life, love, optimists,
Turned into a grave yard,
They were merely living,
But had some reasons to live,
Now it's impossible and way to hard,
As we can give them the aid,
But what about hope,
What about those lives,
Which forced each other to live,
Time shall answer this,
But we should step ahead to help.


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  • 14 years ago

    by hasan ali

    Thnx alot for commenting.... thnx for aprciatng

  • 14 years ago

    by Bree Lane

    I like it.. its cute and thoughtful and its awee lol :)