Comments : Silent Night

  • 14 years ago

    by Sylvia

    How sad that we let alcohol makes us brave to do things like this and hurt others, not caring at the time the horrific pain we inflict on others and I speak from experience. This is so sad. As a side note, I don't like to see Xmas used, it is Christmas and maybe part of our problems is that we take Christ out of Christmas.

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    I agree with Sylvia's last statement about "Xmas". I find it demeaning and lowering of Christmas. After all we only have Christmas because, that is when Christ was born or around that time. Without that there would be no Christmas. Anyway, all that's my opinion and you should have the right to say whatever you like. :] As for the poem, I liked the way it flowed as it went nicely with the poem and also the story behind the poem is one we should all remember. Alcohol is a bad thing that can cause, even the most respectful person into a mindless hurting object. All in all, I liked the message of the poem and the moral. Great job and keep writing.

  • 14 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    What a talent you have, I have endured just such a Christmas and not sure of the one coming up. But it only affects me as no one is about to share it with
    Everyone can say "oh it's the time of celebration" but alcohol has no certain time for celebratng and it hurts all around them.
    Excellent job showing not all is well for everyone. God Bless bro

  • 14 years ago

    by YoYoLoverJSRF

    This was a very beautiful piece that showed love hate and rage all at once, which I believe makes up a great poem. This would make a beautiful song. Keep it up! :D