Comments : A Dreamy Life

  • 14 years ago

    by Dontay

    U have such a way wit words ^.^

  • 13 years ago

    by Pamela

    You are an amazing writter.

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    I must say this poem was so descriptive and captivating... I loved the dream you described, so vivid and imaginative.. I have a fascination with dreams, because I do have interesting dreams, and when something related to my dream occurs, it feels strange! I loved your use of words, and the rhymes were good but sometimes they seemed forced. But the story in this poem was so nice to read... I loved this stanza:

    It feels strange but somehow I'd foreseen,
    And it seems as though I now live in dreams.
    Bestowed by thoughts I'm unsure are mine,
    Fantasy leaks into life through nameless seams.

    -- it really spoke to me... I loved how you mention in this poem the part when you realize it's a dream... because sometimes that does happen so it's relatable!

    Great poem.. Well done!