That poem I mentioned before it was written -

by silvershoes   Dec 7, 2010

There's something aged and
ancient about you.

Do you know, if we lived a
couple centuries ago,
probability would have it that I'd
live and die
without seeing the shade of earth
that is you?

I'm glad we live now.

I want to devour the soup of
coffee and cinnamon that coats your
unclothed body.

I'm falling in love with you(r skin).
If you didn't already know that, then
this is me telling you.


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  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Very touching and sentimental. I think you meant "sonia" = "beloved one" in the language of origin (Hindi). A forme fruste is "sohneya" in Punjabi language.

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    Not sure if I got the message you were trying to get across, But I did get a message none the less. Another emotional piece but with good flavor and there was no pun intended. :] The beauty of this poem is nice and also the imagery in some parts are really good. I love again the simplicity of this poem, though the underlining message for me was not all that plain.

    So, I believe, this poem was really nice and though it doesn't stand out as much as some of your other poems it still has your distinct taste and talent imbedded in the lines. Great job and keep writing.

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