Comments : A Picture of Christmas

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    A beautiful, little short poem about Christmas. This poem shows true simplicity and I love the innocents of the message. You did a great job once again describing your surrounding but I have come to know you are keen on your imagery. This reminds a lot of older poems written years past, that were simply telling a story. This is what you have done basically. The emotions in this poem range from love to joy to all other sorts of mischevious little ideas that pop into that girls head while she is waiting.

    Anyway I found this poem very enjoyable and a wonderful read. Thanks for sharing. Great job and keep writing.

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Merry Christmas to the one and only Jane!
    May your wishes come true one day....
    until then, we wish you every happiness
    that can come your way......
    this Christmas