Shielded Heart

by misa   Dec 8, 2010

I laid in my bed last night
with my eyes shut tight

I didn't dare let my tears fall
for around me I've built this wall

I pretend like I don't care
cuz it's my heart that I just won't bare

So I hope that my kisses will tell my tale
I'm just afraid that it's me you'll fail

I'll let my eyes reveal my longing
cuz it's you that my heart has been calling

But baby

My feelings will never come in words
afraid that you'll fly away with the birds

You'll never hear how I feel
cuz it'll open my heart for you to steal

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  • 14 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Love it :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Cassie Cain

    Nice.. everyone is afraid to get their heart broken && you explained this very well.. great job keep up the good work!