I'll Tell You

by H. Elizabeth   Dec 12, 2010

*The original title was, "If Only"*

Tonight I'll tell you I love you
Tonight I'll tell the truth
I will dance in your arms
I will never again be afraid
You will always love me too
You will always care
We will share our feeling for each other
We will share our feelings for one another

If only this would happen
If only this would come true
If only you could see how much I love you


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  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Ilove how the pronouns gratuate to "we" with the hope of "if"

    well done

  • 14 years ago

    by misa

    My goodness, I love this poem. Truly touches me because I can relate. It's so so hard to reveal your true feelings to someone! Great work, keep it up =)