Wat tru luv dose

by JMH OWNS   Dec 13, 2010

Lay your head on my shoulder.
With me, you will be safe in the arms of this soldier.
You wil never have to fear what is out there.
Be-cause you will be safe with me here.
I will never, ever let anyone hurt you.
I will die for you, I will never be apart from you.
I will do anything for you, even if it mean my own death.
With my last dying breath�my love for you will whisper out first and last.
And I won't enter heaven because it's not heaven if you're not there.
I will stay here. I will stay by your side.
I will never leave you, yes I will not.
My love for you will just never stop, because it can not.
I always fell for you, yeah, I've fell in so deep.
Even when I�m dead�my eyes will not sleep.
Because not even death can stop beatings of my heart.
Even demons and devils tried, but gave up because it was just too damn hard.
But if I didn't have you I wouldn't surivive at all.
Nothing would matter, I would let my carass be eaten by dogs.
That's what u mean to me, queen bee, from the heart of your Apache soldier.
When life gets too hard, just lay your head on my shoulder.
Never fear-I�m kissing away your tears.
Never gonna leave you, believe me,�I�m holding on to you for many more years.
Even when time ends, girl, you still have your best friend.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Again another beautiful piece but the ¢ï¿½ï¿½ are quite distracting.
    All the best