True Love

by A Poets Handwriting aka ALISHA   Dec 15, 2010

Like a dove in the sky
My heart flutters high
Smiling at your approach
Welcoming you to encroach

On the lips, just a small kiss
The very lips I always miss
Each time it comes for us to part
It's been like this from the start

A smile lingers at just a thought
So many times that I was caught
Love at first sight, our hearts one
Joined together, we've always won

I love you, and you love me too
You smile, I smile; it's what we do
Something about us, it's true love
Your hand in mine fits like a glove

No broken pieces, no crying eyes
Just me and you, flying high
No sadness, no anger or despair
Between me and you, love is there

By Alisha Sherden


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  • It is isnt it. Even when its painful it serves as good content. Thanks (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Aw, this brings a smile to my face! love always is the best inspiration for writing! :) so sweet and beautiful.