The day you tried

by A Poets Handwriting aka ALISHA   Dec 16, 2010

You walked out, you came back
You thought of yourself once again
I saw you try, you saw me cry...
What'll happen once you die?

I love you dearly, but that hurt!
You tried to kill yourself right there!
My pain, my hurt, you just don't see
How could you do this to me?

I've had a hard enough day as it is
Why do you persist in making it worse?
I love you, but do you love me back?
I don't know, but I think it's slack.

Mother dearest, you were once my hero
Now that's changed, it's more like zero...
You are weaker than me, I didn't realise
I guess this ordeal has opened my eyes.

But that moment will scar me forever
That pain I felt, that complete betrayal...
Did you think of what'd happen if you died?
I don't think you did, the day you tried suicide...

By Alisha Sherden


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Latest Comments

  • Thanks. She has and things are much better. She is a stronger woman because of it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is heartbreaking! i couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of pain you have dealt with dealing with your mother. :( i'm so sorry. maybe she can get help and realize that she needs to be stronger for you. :(

  • Thanks for the comment.
    Yeah, I am grateful she is still alive.. and she has stopped trying which is good. (:

  • 14 years ago

    by brokenhearted teenage girl

    Awe ! this is so sad ! :(
    I'm so sorry !

    I'm glad that she didn't do anything stupid, even though she tried to do it, be greatful she still is alive.
    Let her know, how much you love and care about her, and maybe she will try and stop ending her life....