Comments : The day you tried

  • 14 years ago

    by brokenhearted teenage girl

    Awe ! this is so sad ! :(
    I'm so sorry !

    I'm glad that she didn't do anything stupid, even though she tried to do it, be greatful she still is alive.
    Let her know, how much you love and care about her, and maybe she will try and stop ending her life....

  • Thanks for the comment.
    Yeah, I am grateful she is still alive.. and she has stopped trying which is good. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is heartbreaking! i couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of pain you have dealt with dealing with your mother. :( i'm so sorry. maybe she can get help and realize that she needs to be stronger for you. :(

  • Thanks. She has and things are much better. She is a stronger woman because of it.